Top Business ideas

Everyone wants to become rich but they do not have proper knowledge for it. Remember it’s not that easy, like whenever we see any Billionaire and start thinking wow, how easy his life is, but he has done a lot of hard work to reach that stage. maybe he has spent so many days & nights without proper food. maybe he has spent days on station etc.

but behind all this, he has the knowledge, dedication, planning, creativity, and of course courage to do reach his goal.

so before you actually think of becoming a billionaire, gather as much knowledge as you can, read stories about successful and people who failed. remember one thing, school or college education will not make you rich, because that doesn’t give you real-life knowledge. real-life knowledge and experience come with real experience.

you can only become rich by solving the problems of others, so the more problem you solve, the more you become rich. you can take the example of any multi-billionaire. take the example of Google, Bill Gates, Oracle, Reliance Industries, Ratan Tata, etc. they did something for other’s and you can see the result.

now it’s very important what you do, so for example, if you are a writer by profession and your dream to become rich then don’t just be choosy to write on a few selected topic, write something which is trending, write something which majority of user’s want to read, write something which generates energy in millions of heart’s.

Have a good vision of the future. because billionaires don’t become in a day or month. It takes years to reach the goal.

There are a few points that you should always keep in mind :

  • Try to find the problem
  • Then find the solution to that problem.
  • Also, find your competitor what they are doing to solve that problem.
  • Think about what you can do differently in that.
  • why people will buy your solution because you are new. so you need to find way’s to build trust in what you do. because even you have the best solution for them, people will always doubt your solution. there is always a mindset that why he wants to solve my problem, what he will get. because you are not the one who is solving their problem.

there are some business ideas that you can apply :

  • online course.
  • Business Consulting.
  • Event Organizer.
  • E-commerce like online grocery etc.
  • Online Book Keeping.
  • Digital Marketing.
  • Graphic Design.
  • Podcasting.
  • Commission sales.
  • Life Insurance Broker.
  • Online English speaking coaching.
  • Affiliate Marketing.
  • Instagram Marketing.
  • Travel Advisor.
  • Interior Designer
  • Education career Advisor.

Do what you love it and you will get success and money. if you need to watch clock in doing your work that means, you are not doing it with passion and dedication.

always listen to your inner voice before you start doing something. Develop or change strategies if you don’t get the desired result.

also, a more important thing, if you don’t see the demand for your product or services, then create a need, and if your product or solution is really good it will last for a long time.

The first thing to do is to find out what is your strength, expertise, and then develop that skill into a business. say for example if you are good at teaching, then one can record your video and put online or one can also start giving online learning tutorials through a website where students can select their courses and available syllabus.

One can also become a Life Insurance policy dealer where he gets, some percentage of commission and this is also a good longterm career opportunity.

Education career Advisor: – This is again a very interesting career opportunity, after completing the school often students and parents are confused like which career is good and what is a career growth opportunity in the longterm.

Placement Agency is also a trending career opportunity nowadays, in this, you can tie up with few companies and industries asking them that whenever they are looking for any manpower support then they can contact you and you will help them by providing quality resource after screening resources as per the business requirement, and this way you can generate a good source of revenue.

Event Organizer:- if you are good in management and managing multiple things altogether then this is for you. Event organizer plays multiple roles like organizing marriage events, organizing social events, some rally, organizing seminar, cricket match, get-together party, marriage anniversary.

In this one who organizes this event has to deal with all different types of vendors like a food court, cricket committee, lightening vendor etc.

Travel Advisor:- This kind of job is for people who like to travel from one place to another and gets bored sitting in one place. This advisor may be required to travel with a tourist, so this can turn out to be an exciting job along with good income. travel advisor will be visiting all different places where ever his customer goes.

Design:- If you are good and creative in giving different looks to website or software applications then this can also turn out to be an exciting career opportunity. one can upload his design portfolios online or showcase in some seminar or conference whenever it happens. this is also huge in demand nowadays.

Ecommerce:- I have seen people selling some products/items online using online stores, for example, one can collect a list of books from the publisher and sell them online by creating your own website and get some commission on every purchasing customer makes.

Also if you are having a passion for modeling then you can promote some brands on social media. you can give reviews about products and films etc and get paid for it.

If you are having knowledge about tax filling then you can also become a Tax consultant and make it a career in this field. by becoming a Tax consultant, you can guide your customer in paying their income tax return as per different tax slabs.

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